Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The First Era Of Industrialization - 1625 Words

In the 1760s, the United States began its first major period of rapid industrialization. Everyday there was a new factory built, a new machine created, a new industry expanded. The effect of industrialization was so massive that even songs were written about this period. One song depicted a man who could â€Å"hatch eggs by thousands; all by steam†.[1] With more factories and more efficient means of production, more commodities became available to the public for consumption. The first era of the industrial revolution drastically changed the way America functions as a consumer society. The second period of industrialization altered how America functions as a capitalistic society. After the Civil War, the next era of industrialization began in†¦show more content†¦Through offers made in cash or Standard Oil stock, Rockefeller was able to persuade other oil refineries to sell their business to him. Those who refused were specifically targeted by Rockefeller and put out o f business through various means.[3] [4] Andrew Carnegie, a man who made his fortune in the steel industry, used a method similar to Rockefeller’s- vertical integration. Vertical integration is the domination of an industry in which all steps of the process of a product are bought out. Carnegie did this, buying every stage for steel production, from iron mines to rolling mills. By owning every aspect of the steelmaking process, Carnegie â€Å"was able to supply his product at a cost less than that of his competitors†, thus running them out of business. Carnegie’s ability to produce more goods at a cheaper cost is known as the economy of scale.[5] [6] Political corruption was another common and favorable tactic amongst business owners. To prevent business-harming laws from being legalized or to pass beneficial laws, businessmen often bribed politicians â€Å"at the local, state, and national level†.[7] Politicians were given company stock, funds for elections, and free or reduced materials. Today historians most commonly associate the railroad industry with political corruption. To gain their business favor, railroad companies would offer free passage to

Monday, December 16, 2019

Corporate Strategy Analysis of Kraft in relation to Cadbury Acquisition Free Essays

Introduction I have been asked to investigate and evaluate Kraft’s overall corporate strategy in relation to it’s acquisition of Cadbury in 2010. Moreover, this report will also highlight some of the critical success factors that Kraft might apply to Cadbury and it will demonstrate and outline the corporate parenting role Kraft could take up in respect to Cadburys. Kraft Foods is a well known American food conglomerate with its presence in over a hundred countries. We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Strategy Analysis of Kraft in relation to Cadbury Acquisition or any similar topic only for you Order Now The $19.5 billion (Clearly et al, 2010) takeover of Cadbury has enabled them to become the biggest confectionery and beverage giant in the world. This acquisition has enabled Kraft to expand their portfolio in terms of product offering. They now have over forty well known brands each bringing in over $100 million worth of sales each year. (Nasdaq, 2011). The Cadbury brand is well recognised around the world and they are one of the largest chocolate producers in the world, furthermore they have a well established base in the UK and abroad. Therefore by acquiring such a prestigious company with iconic brands, Kraft will be able to enhance its long term revenues and growth by strengthening their presence in developing markets such as India and Mexico. Cadbury is more of a brand led company whereas Kraft a more of a product orientated company. Cadbury as a result gives them a brand building capability which Kraft needs in order to expand overseas. From this perspective we can see quite clearly why Kraft acquired well known Cadbury. The main intention of Kraft’s takeover was so that they could get hold of Cadbury’s assets, resources and their core competencies which sets them apart from other rivals. Corporate Strategy Corporate strategy is best defined by (Lynch, 2003, p.5) as ‘ an organisations basic direction for the future: its purpose, its ambitions, its resources and how it interacts with the world in which it operates’. Likewise, (Porter, 1996 cited in Thompson, 2001, p. 15 describes it as an ‘overall plan for a diversified business’. Kraft has three corporate strategies which are: To delight global snack consumers To unleash the power of iconic heritage brands To create a performance – driven and value led organisation (Kraft, 2011) By implementing such strategies Kraft are able to manage their activities appropriately and by doing so they are able to identify the skills and competencies which are required to foster organisational growth hence drive profits. Kraft’s growth strategy is to build ‘ a global snacks powerhouse and unrivalled portfolio of brands people love’. It is essential that managers are able to effectively formulate and implement corporate level strategies’ in order to achieve corporate objectives of the firm by means of developing and sustaining competitive advantage. Management must have a clear vision in place as to where it wants to be in the long-term so it is able to identify its strategic purpose as to why the company exists. Kraft’s strategy enables managers’ to look at ways in which it can add value to the different parts of the firm. Moreover, how it can meet shareholder expectations. Kraft should effectively link its internal capabilities together with its external relations if they want their strategy to be successful in this ever changing environment. Furthermore, strategy also seems to shape organisational behaviour therefore it is vital that everyone in the organisation is focused and that they have a shared a vision because they will be more likely to be working towards the same goal. Corporate planning and strategic fit is crucial at Kraft as it enable them to conduct environmental scanning so that management can address and identify the key areas which are likely to affect the overall business strategy due to uncertainty within the market. Its purpose is to provide a bigger picture of the environment in which the business is operating in. Strategic analysis helps an organisation to identify what is happening outside of the business so that they can focus on external elements or threats that the business is likely face. This is usually done through PESTEL analysis or even a SWOT analysis so that managers can identify their strengths in comparison to their competitors so that they can improve on their weaknesses. Furthermore, it also helps them to spot opportunities within the market place so that they can expand and take advantage of change. Critical Success Factors (CSF) Also known as key success factors (KSF) best defined by (Lynch, 2003, p.102) as, â€Å"the resources, skills and attributes of an organisation that are essential to deliver success in the market place. The phrase was first introduced by Daniels in 1961 and has now become a widely studied phenomenon within the field of strategic management. Critical success factors are those business activities which must be managed and performed in order to foster organisational success. Understanding and identifying such factors are crucial as it enables managers to make the right strategic decisions. Kraft are now focussing on their top ten power brands such as Cadbury diary milk, trident gum etc to maximise revenue as they have dramatically shifted their focus towards growth in areas which contain higher margins. There are a number of critical success factors that Kraft could apply to Cadbury. Firstly, Kraft is a much stronger company than what it was 2 years ago. It has a hugh market share with an annual revenue exceeding $49.2 billion. Therefore Kraft could use Cadbury to strengthen their global base and use their core competencies to maximise profits. The market share of Kraft enables them to sustain their competitive advantage over others as they become a dominant enterprise within the confectionery market. Likewise, Kraft can use their brand strength along with Cadbury’s product range to enlarge and broaden their brand portfolio. Moreover, this will enable Kraft to distribute Cadbury’s brands in markets such as China, Brazil and Russia were Cadbury has little or no presence. This opportunity will also open up doors for Kraft so that it can grow and penetrate into India and European Union where it lacks behind. This will help it to boost sales and hopefully increase their market share. This ties in with effective supply chain networks that both companies have in place. From this perspective we can see that one of the main purpose or benefit in acquiring Cadbury was to control Cadbury’s distribution network and their infrastructure so that Kraft could use this advantage to get into developing markets where they will be able to widen their footprint by increasing their presence in international markets by offering diverse products. This opportunity has also widened their global supplier base which means that they can concentrate on economies of scale by getting their costs down as much as they can, so that they can make more profit per unit. This will enable them to leverage their costs and resources so that they can focus on operational efficiency through systems such as just in time. Corporate Parenting Role There are a number of ways in which Kraft has and could take up the corporate parenting role in respect to Cadbury. Firstly Kraft has made a hugh leap in restructuring their organisational structure, which means that decision making is no longer highly decentralized. This has enabled Kraft to be in more control over its business activities. In order to succeed in the global environment an organisation such as Kraft needs to make sure that they have the right people in the right place at the right time so that they can operate efficiently and effectively. The role of a corporate parent (headquarters) is to reinforce and implement parenting skills so that it can manage and add value to its business units. The main emphasis is so that the company can perform better compared to if it was working individually. The corporate parent can therefore make certain decisions about the portfolio of the business so it can manage global operations more efficiently. This two way process is vital because if a certain business unit or a corporate parent is not adding value to the business a decision is likely to be made by management to sell or break off a certain business section. Kraft has chosen a synergy manager approach because it enables them to manage synergies across both business platforms so that Kraft is able to manage costs and organisational resources effectively by aligning key targets which must be achieved by certain business units. As this will enable them to create synergy because two companies working together will create more value and therefore Kraft will have the opportunity to market and distribute both brands for the price of one. Kraft has estimated that around $672 million worth of expenses would be saved by working together with Cadbury. Good brand management is also an important aspect in any organisation, therefore if Kraft wants to prosper it must emphasise on knowledge management so that it can grasp and share its knowledge skills and core competencies with Cadbury. Kraft can coach and aid Cadbury in making the right decisions about product expansion in areas in which Kraft have extensive knowledge and experience. Furthermore they can help Cadbury to develop their capabilities by enabling them to improve their skills at the same time as helping them to improve on their weaknesses. Furthermore, they must effectively communicate across borders and be willing to combine research and development activities, sharing of plant and machinery, new innovative ideas market research e.g. consumer insight, talent, experience or skills. On the other hand, Kraft should avoid adding management costs and bureaucratic complexity because it is likely to hinder business performance. Conclusion An effective business strategy will always enable an organisation to thrive and prosper. By focussing on such strategic factors Kraft is able to accomplish their goals and objectives. Kraft is fully aware of the critical success factors which apply to them and those which apply to the industry. They use their capabilities and resources so that they can invest in those areas of the business which are critical for its long term success and by doing so they gain competitive advantage over others. They have paid particular attention towards their customers, as they claim to help people to live and eat better. By providing those products which customers actually want for instance on the go snacks. Therefore, one can say that it is essential that Kraft should manage their resources and capabilities if they want to succeed in the global arena. I believe that product innovation is a vital survival tool which Kraft has implemented within its business process as they are always introducing new products into the market. How to cite Corporate Strategy Analysis of Kraft in relation to Cadbury Acquisition, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Deterioration of Patients Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Clinical Deterioration of Patients. Answer: Clinical deterioration of patients can occur at any time point during their illness or when they are under the care process. Patients generally become more vulnerable to deteriorating symptoms upon hospital admission, post-surgery or while recovering from a chronic disorder (Escobar et al., 2012). The essay will illustrate how close monitoring of the physiological changes can help in avoiding serious adverse events and reducing mortality. It will further elaborate the different barriers to such clinical monitoring. Early detection of deteriorating signs in a patient is essential to improve patient safety and the response to adverse events. Failure to closely monitor the early signs leads to increased mortality and morbidity. Around 70% patients suffering from cardiac arrest show respiratory trouble 8 hours before the episode. Responding to early detection helps to reduce mortality and associated healthcare costs. An observation chart is most essential in recording the vital signs of the patient and collecting relevant information related to identifying his health status. Vital sign detection assesses the severity of illness in the patient and connects them to timely response (Preece et al., 2012). In case of patients with cardiopulmonary disorders, timely management of beta blockers, emergency resuscitation and angiography have a substantial impact in reducing mortality. There are several barriers to early recognition of deterioration signs. The staff often fails to adequately communicate among themselves regarding the patients condition. This particularly occurs during transfers or handovers. Inexperienced staff fails to understand the information handed over to them. Incomplete compilation of fluid and observation charts lead to missing data and show discrepancies (Purling King, 2012). They fail to identify the trends of vital signs. Shortage of staff during weekends or sick leaves makes it difficult for nurses to observe the deterioration signs. In recent years, many hospitals have employed an Early warning system (EWS) that assists in early detection of critical conditions. These systems employ measurement of vital signs (Ludikhuize et al., 2012). Any deviation of the signs form the normal ranges alerts the staff of the ward or critical care team to outreach the patient and evaluate the deteriorating conditions. These systems utilize a calling criterion and empower clinicians for more effective intervention. During clinical placement, the importance of early warning systems was elucidated. A scoring system was given that helped to measure vital signs. The EWS scores for 6 physiological variables like respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen saturation, consciousness level, urine output and systolic blood pressure help to consistently determine the degree of illness and enables medical team to work faster and deliver adequate care (Smith et al., 2013). The utility of EWS across ambulance transportation and primary care was also demonstrated. Thus, it can be concluded that early warning scores play a significant role in reducing the number of patient harm or deterioration in-hospital settings. Thorough monitoring of the vital signs help to lower the hospitalization stays, health costs and mortality. If communication, inexperience and shortage of staff barriers are removed, early warning signs can effectively reduce the figures of avoidable deaths and patient deterioration cases. References Escobar, G. J., LaGuardia, J. C., Turk, B. J., Ragins, A., Kipnis, P., Draper, D. (2012). Early detection of impending physiologic deterioration among patients who are not in intensive care: development of predictive models using data from an automated electronic medical record.Journal of hospital medicine,7(5), 388-395. Ludikhuize, J., Smorenburg, S. M., de Rooij, S. E., de Jonge, E. (2012). Identification of deteriorating patients on general wards; measurement of vital parameters and potential effectiveness of the Modified Early Warning Score.Journal of critical care,27(4), 424-e7. Preece, M. H., Hill, A., Horswill, M. S., Watson, M. O. (2012). Supporting the detection of patient deterioration: observation chart design affects the recognition of abnormal vital signs.Resuscitation,83(9), 1111-1118. Purling, A., King, L. (2012). A literature review: graduate nurses' preparedness for recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient.Journal of clinical nursing,21(23-24), 3451-3465. Smith, G. B., Prytherch, D. R., Meredith, P., Schmidt, P. E., Featherstone, P. I. (2013). The ability of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) to discriminate patients at risk of early cardiac arrest, unanticipated intensive care unit admission, and death.Resuscitation,84(4), 465-470.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Susan B Anthony Essay Example For Students

Susan B Anthony Essay Susan B Anthony Susan B. Anthony was born February 15, 1820 in Adams Massachusetts to Daniel and Lucy Anthony.Susan was the second born of eight children in a strict Quaker family.Her father, Daniel Anthony, was a stern man, a Quaker abolitionist and cotton manufacturer. He believed in guiding his children, not directing them. He did not allow them to experience the childish amusements of toys, games, and music, which were seen as distractions from the Inner Light. Instead he enforced self-discipline. Susan learned to read and write at the age of three. In 1826, the Anthonys moved from Massachusetts to Battensville, New York.Where Susan attended a district school, when the teacher refused to teach Susan long division, she was taken out of school and taught in home school set up by her father.A woman teacher, Mary Perkins, ran the school.Perkins offered a new image of womanhood to Susan and her sisters. We will write a custom essay on Susan B Anthony specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now She was independent, educated, and held a position that had been traditionally been reserved to young men.Susan was sent to a boarding school in Philadelphia.She taught at a female academy boarding school, in up state New York when she was fifteen years old intill she was thirty.After she settled in her family home in Rochester, New York.It was here that she began her first public crusade on behalf of temperance. This was one of the first expressions of feminism in the United States, and it delt with the abuses of woman and children who suffered from alcoholic husbands.In 1849, Susan gave her first public speech for the Daughters of Temperance, and then help found the Womans State Temperance Society of New York.It was one of the first organizations of its time. In 1851 she went to Syracus to attend a series of antislavery meetings.During this time Susan meet Cady Stanton.They became best friends.Susan joined Stanton and Amelia Bloomer in campaigns for womens rights. She would often deliver speeches written by Stanton, who was occupied with her young children. In 1854, She devoted herself to the antislavery movement serving from 1856 to the outbreak of the civil war, 1861.Here, she served as an agent for the American Antislavery Society.After, She worked with Stanton and published the New York liberal weekly, The Revolution (1868-1870) which called for equal pay for women. In 1872, Susan demanded that women be given the same civil and political rights that had been extended to black men under the 14th and 15th amendments. Anthony and Stanton became convinced that pg1ggggwoman would not gain the rights or be effective in promoting reforms until they had the right to vote. So she led a group of women to the polls in Rochester to test the right of women to vote. She was arrested two weeks later and while awaiting trial engaged highly publicized lecture tours and in March 1873, She tried to vote again in the city elections. After being tried and convicted of violating the voting laws, Susan succeeded in her refusal to pay the fine.From then on she campaigned endlessly for a federal woman suffrage amendment through the National American Womans Suffrage Association (1890-1906) and by lecturing throughout the country.Now the newly freed slaves were granted the right to vote by the 15th amendment, women of all races still did not have the right to voteAnthony, Stanton, and Matilda Joslyn Gage published the History of women Suffrage 4 volume (1881-1902), in 1888 she organized the International council of women and in 1904 the International Women Suffrage Alliance.Although Anthony did not live to see her effort fofilled to win the right to vote for women, the establishment of the 19th amendment is deeply owed to her efforts. .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe , .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe .postImageUrl , .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe , .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe:hover , .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe:visited , .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe:active { border:0!important; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe:active , .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u65bcba62313d110cb8a0c0500c5a5bbe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Delinquent Behavior EssayOn July 2, 1979, the U.S Mint honored her work by issuing the Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin. Susan B. Anthony died at age 86.She showed her strength and optimism until the end.Her final public words were FAILURE IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

7 Bad Habits You Need to Get Rid of in 2017

7 Bad Habits You Need to Get Rid of in 2017 Often, New Year’s resolutions are about what you’re going to do. I will go to the gym. I will get my house organized. But just as important are the resolutions where you decide to stop doing something. It’s a way to edit your life. Here are seven strategies for turning 2017 into a year of â€Å"no.† (But in a positive way!)1. Say no to jealousy.Comparing yourself to others is a fast track to frustration. Sure, you may not have what others have or be as talented in some areas. And you know what? You might never be, and that’s A-OK. Find the skills and aspects of yourself that are unique- or at the very least, ones that work for you. Focus on building those up so that you shine in your best areas. Forget everyone else†¦ they’re probably just trying to keep up with others as well, and who has time for that kind of endless loop?2. Say no to self-doubt.If you find yourself holding back from speaking up in a meeting because you’re worri ed about how it will be received or what  others will think of you, push past it and speak up. Your perspective is valid. And your ideas could lead to greater things for you or your company. Self-doubt keeps progress from happening.3. Say no to being a lone wolf.If we didn’t need others to be successful, every company would be one person big. You’re part of a team because all of the members’ roles and skills complement each other on the way to getting things done. Ask for help when you need it, and make an effort to bond with your colleagues.4. Say no to inertia.â€Å"Later, I’ll do it later.† â€Å"The time isn’t right.† â€Å"There’s too much going on.† Do any of those sound familiar? The timing will likely never be perfect to start that project or implement your idea. So stop waiting around, and take steps to get started. Even if they’re tiny ones, the first steps can be the hardest- so once you’ve got ten those out of the way, it’ll be that much easier to keep moving.5. Say no to oversharing.Do you post everything you eat on Instagram? Let the world know the status of your date while you’re still on it? Social media creates an environment that encourages us to share our minutiae with the world, but should we? This year, make an effort to hold some things back, and start being more choosy about what you put out there. A little mystery never hurt, right? If your coworker really needs to know what you binged on Netflix last weekend, she can ask.6. Just say no.If you find yourself saying yes to everything because you feel obligated, it’s time to take a choosier approach. Your cousin’s friend’s roommate will be able to find someone else to help him move. Your colleague shouldn’t be depending on you to cover for her every day while she sneaks out for a smoothie. It’s okay to be selective about what you agree to do. Having the power to sa y no empowers you to set and keep your own priorities, instead of letting everyone else set them for you.And finally†¦7. Say no to standing in your own way.It’s easy to confuse fear and hesitance with instincts. When you feel yourself resisting something in your head, ask why. If you can’t come up with a valid reason why you’re avoiding it or otherwise not moving forward, then say no to that little voice and move forward. You are your own resistance, and you are the only one who can get around that.Try the Year of No, and see what happens. This is not an excuse to say no to everything (you’re gonna have to suck it up and do some things you don’t want to do; sorry and welcome to life!), but rather to say no to the things holding you back. You might be amazed at how many yeses you start to get once you start saying no more often!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Biography of Homer Plessy, Civil Rights Activist

Biography of Homer Plessy, Civil Rights Activist Homer Plessy (1862-1925) is best known as the plaintiff in the 1896 Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson, in which he challenged Louisianas Separate Car Act. As the son of free people of color with mostly European ancestry, Plessy used his racially ambiguous appearance to challenge racial segregation on a Louisiana train, cementing his legacy as a civil rights activist. Fast Facts: Homer Plessy Full Name: Homà ¨re Patrice Adolphe PlessyKnown For: Civil rights activist who challenged racial segregation policies. Plaintiff in U.S. Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896Born: March 17, 1863 in New Orleans, LouisianaDied: March 1, 1925 in Metairie, LouisianaParents: Joseph Adolphe Plessy, Rosa Debergue Plessy, and Victor M. Dupart (stepfather) ï » ¿Early Years Homer Plessy was born Homà ¨re Patrice Adolphe Plessy to French-speaking parents Joseph Adolphe Plessy and Rosa Debergue Plessy. Germain Plessy, his paternal grandfather, was a white man born in Bordeaux, France, who moved to New Orleans after the Haitian Revolution in the 1790s. He and his wife, Catherine Mathieu, a free woman of color, had eight children, including Homer Plessy’s father. Joseph Adolphe Plessy died in the late 1860s when Homer was a small boy. In 1871, his mother remarried Victor M. Dupart, a U.S. Post Office clerk and shoemaker. Plessy followed in his stepfather’s footsteps, working as a shoemaker at a business called Patricio Britos during the 1880s, and he also worked in other capacities, including as an insurance agent. Outside of work, Plessy was an active member of his community. In 1887, Plessy served as vice president of the Justice, Protective, Educational, and Social Club, a New Orleans organization focused on public education reform. The following year, he married Louise Bordenave at St. Augustine Church. He was 25 and his bride was 19. The couple lived in the Tremà © neighborhood, now an important historic site for African-American and Crà ©ole culture.   At age 30, Plessy joined Comità © des Citoyens, which translates to Citizens’ Committee. The racially mixed organization advocated for civil rights, a topic that had interested Plessy since childhood, when his stepfather had been an activist involved in the 1873 Unification Movement to foster racial equality in Louisiana. When the time came for Plessy to make a sacrifice to fight injustice, he did not back away. Challenging Jim Crow The leadership of Comità © des Citoyens asked Plessy if he would be willing to challenge one of Louisianas Jim Crow laws by boarding the white section of a train car. The group wanted him to make the move to challenge the Separate Car Act, a law passed in 1890 by the Louisiana State Legislature which required blacks and whites to board â€Å"equal but separate† train cars. Article in the Daily Picayune, New Orleans, announcing the arrest of (Homer) Adolphe Plessy for violation of railway racial segregation law. The case would go to the US Supreme Court as Plessy v. Ferguson.   Public Domain / Daily Picayune, New Orleans, June 9, 1892 Louisiana’s Separate Car Act required â€Å"all railway companies carrying passengers on their trains, in this State, to provide equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races, by providing separate coaches or compartments so as to secure separate accommodations, defining the duties of the officers of such railways; directing them to assign passengers to the coaches or compartments set aside for the use of the race to which such passengers belong.† On February 4, 1892, on a first attempt to challenge the law, civil rights activist Daniel Desdunes, son of Rodolphe Desdunes, one of Comità © des Citoyens’ founders, bought a ticket for a white passenger car on a train headed out of Louisiana. The Comità © des Citoyens lawyers hoped to argue that the Separate Car Act was unconstitutional, but Desdunes’ case was ultimately dismissed because Judge John H. Ferguson said the law didn’t apply to interstate travel. Plessy v. Ferguson The Comità © des Citoyens lawyers wanted Plessy to test the law next, and they made sure to have him travel on an intrastate train. On June 7, 1892, Plessy bought a ticket on the East Louisiana Railroad and boarded a white passenger car after the conductor was told Plessy was part-black. Plessy was arrested after just 20 minutes, and his attorneys argued that his civil rights had been violated, citing both the the 13th and 14th amendments. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and the 14th includes the Equal Protection Clause, which prevents the State from denying â€Å"to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Despite this argument, both the Louisiana Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court, in the landmark 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, ruled that Plessy’s rights had not been violated and that Louisiana was within its rights to uphold a â€Å"separate but equal† way of life for blacks and whites. To avoid jail time, Plessy paid a $25 fine, and the Comità © des Citoyens disbanded. Later Years and Legacy After his unsuccessful Supreme Court case, Homer Plessy resumed his quiet life. He had three children, sold insurance for a living, and remained an active part of his community. He died at the age 62. Unfortunately, Plessy did not live to see the impact his act of civil disobedience had on civil rights. While he lost his case, the decision was reversed by the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education. In this critical ruling, the high court concluded that â€Å"separate but equal† policies violated the rights of people of color, be it in schools or in other capacities. A decade later, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed racial segregation in public places as well as employment discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or country of origin. Plessy’s contributions to civil rights have not been forgotten. In his honor, the Louisiana House of Representatives and the New Orleans City Council established Homer Plessy Day, first observed on June 7, 2005. Four years later, Keith Plessy, the great-grandson of Homer Plessy’s first cousin, and Phoebe Ferguson, a descendant of Judge John H. Ferguson, started the Plessy Ferguson Foundation to educate the public about the historic case. That year, a marker was also placed at Press and Royal streets, where Plessy was arrested for boarding a whites-only passenger car. Sources Barnes, Robert. â€Å"Plessy and Ferguson: Descendants of a Divisive Supreme Court Decision Unite.† The Washington Post, June 5, 2011.â€Å"Plessy v. Ferguson: Who Was Plessy?† PBS.org.â€Å"A Brief History of the Evolution of the Case.† Plessy Ferguson Foundation.â€Å"1892: Homer Plessys train ride makes history in New Orleans.† The Times-Picayune, Sept. 27, 2011.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Social Disorganization Qeustion and Answer Essay

Social Disorganization Qeustion and Answer - Essay Example A city develops when people gather together at a particular place with a wide range of activities. The resultant is concentration that forms the city centre which is characterized by high population. The theory argues that due to the high population at the city centre, people and their activities will tend to disperse to the suburbs. This suburbs display distinctive characteristics as well as class. However, they all face similar ecological pressures. In such a society competition is not an option since once a particular suburb becomes prosperous it is invaded by people seeking job opportunities. From there on the former society setup is disorganized. This disorganization makes it hard for the current administration to govern because somewhere in the bureaucratic administration a disruption occurred and led to a breakdown of normative structures of the society. Therefore, social disorganization refers to the failure of the society in stages. First, the economic organizations fail to satisfy the whole population leading to competition for basic requirements such as food, security and housing. Next, social institutions fail. Then, people take upon themselves to provide what the societal structures were meant for. The different social groups in different suburbs define own ways for resource distribution. This leads to the formation of informal structures in the society and in this effort criminals are also involved in this process. The class disparity in this kind of society aggravates the crime aspect as the lower class seeks redistribution of wealth through informal means. To understand this effect of social disorganization, gang theory approaches this problem by identifying cultural deviance or subcultural theories as factors contributing to social disorganization (Lander, 1954). Basically, whenever social institutions fail

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business Law and the Accounting Profession Research Paper

Business Law and the Accounting Profession - Research Paper Example It governs all transactions in the land including business. Law is often associated with ethics. Ethics is the field of study that aims to encourage all people to act in accordance with the law. It focuses more on one's morality, the ability to decide in a rightful manner taking into consideration any possible consequences of the decision. It is crucial for law and ethics to unite, but unfortunately at times it is not the case. Sometimes an individual must consider doing an unlawful act to do something that is ethical, it sounds complicated, but it happens in reality especially in handling business transactions (Beatty and Samuelson 16). The day to day dilemmas in business led to the formulation of business laws that seek to promote the value of law and ethics in the globally progressing business environment. Sources of Business Law In spite of the existence of business laws there are still some professionals who opt to perform their duties through unethical means. Perhaps this wrong ful act has contributed to the growing disbelief of people towards the information that is being shown in financial statements. The violation could either be intentional, that is when the accountant voluntarily made the violation or unintentional, if there is no willingness to do the wrongful act (e.g., when the employer threatens an employee to do something unethical for the sake of the company). Accounting regulations were established to govern professional accountants into practicing ethical behavior. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is the government agency tasked to promulgate regulations that are set to be followed by organizations particularly the accountants who are most of the time susceptible to trouble. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 made possible the creation of SEC to formulate and impose securities law. In 2002 former U.S. President George W. Bush passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act or the Public Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act. The law was est ablished to ensure the credibility of financial statements. Due to the increasing number of fraud related issues in companies, the government finally realized the need to reform the laws that govern organizations and protect the right of investors (Peck 11). Issues in the Accounting Profession There have been recent scandals that involved accounting professionals. This type of profession is never easy to handle and sometimes it places an accountant's reputation at stake. In most cases, the cause of complications in the accounting profession is in the making of financial statements. Financial statement misrepresentation is strictly prohibited. Although that rule is clearly emphasized, many seem to disregard it. The violation is avoidable if companies will consciously make an effort to adhere to the said policy. If unluckily an accountant is caught doing this wrongful act, then there is no possible way to get out of this mess. Whatever the case may be, an accountant will still be held liable because an offense has been committed and the harm has already been done. As in the case of a criminal act a suspect is convicted if the commission of a crime is proven beyond reasonable doubt, so a suspect is not yet considered a criminal unless there is enough evidence. Say for example a company that is struggling financially. The only way to solve the problem is to manipulate the figures in the financial report so that investors will remain faithful to the company. The accountant is left with no other choice, but to do what the employer says. There are two possible consequences to this act. The first consequence is that if the manipulation will push through there are chances of reviving the company and so

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Happy people make people happy Essay Example for Free

Happy people make people happy Essay Like yawning, many recent studies have proved that laughter is contagious. Does this necessarily imply that when you smile to a complete stranger, he will smile back to you? Or on the other hand, when you frown at a complete stranger, he will frown at you as well? To find out the answer, we designed an experiment to test will happy people make people happy. Independent variables are the factors we manipulated. There are two independent variables in this test. The first one is our emotion conditions when having eye contact with the strangers, i. e. smile condition, frown condition and control condition. We define smile condition as smiling without teeth, frown condition as knitting our brows, and control condition as having a neutral facial expression. The second one is gender. To understand if gender matching matters, we will test the three conditions with strangers with the same gender and the opposite gender. Dependent variables are the variables being tested in the experiment. In this test, the dependent variables are the responses from the participants. We will rate their responded expression in 5 categories: clear frown, small frown, neutral, small smile, and clear smile. However, there are confounding factors that may affect the results of the experiment. Confounds are the extraneous variables in an experimental design that correlates with both the independent and dependent variables. Possible confound is the original facial expression of participants. Randomly choosing participants is a way to prevent confounds. To further eliminate confounds, we will choose complete strangers as participants and will not tell them about our test beforehand as they may confound the result by giving us what they believe we want to see. The last thing we do is to execute this test in a consistent way. We have strict control over our facial expression to make sure that our expressions will not defer a lot among participants. This is not a simple test as what we originally consider. The first obstacle we encounter is not having enough confidence to frown at people. It is not difficult to smile at strangers, but frowning at strangers is somewhat weird  that we hesitate for a long time before having confidence to complete the test. The second obstacle we encounter is there are possible biases in choosing participants. For example, we tend to choose participants with the same race or at similar ages with us. This may create possible confounding factors to the test. The last obstacle we encounter is finding suitable participants. Since we want to choose participants that are walking alone and not distracted by phones or music, surprisingly there are only a few can be found around campus. It takes us quite a lot of effort and time in finding suitable participants for the test. Before conducting the test, we state our hypothesis as when we smile to people, people will smile back to us; whereas when we frown at people, people will frown at us as well. We come out with this hypothesis because we believe ones emotion can influence others, that is when there are optimistic and happy people in a group, other members in the group will become happy more easily; whereas when people in a group are generally in a pessimistic and unhappy mood, other members in the group will be influenced and become unhappy as well.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Executive Summary Before adopting the euro as the official currency in 2001, Greece was one the stable European economies. The early stages of the currency transition worked very well for Greece. However, the state later fell into financial crisis, which has not only affected Greece’s government, but also the entire European countries and their trading partners, such as the United States. Therefore, the Greece financial crisis has become a global concern with the United States Congress, making it a continuous concern brought about by trading partnership, United Banks exposure, and the involvement of the International Monetary Fund institutions. The Greece financial crisis could have been controlled, had it not been for the malicious acts by countries such as Germany and France, which were already using more than the limit at that time. Several nations have both supported and opposed the financial support towards responding to the Greece financial crisis. Nevertheless, it is clear that withdrawi ng from the Eurozone or defaulting the debt would have had many devastating effects on the Greece market investors, the European Union, the European Central Bank, and the European trading partners. The Greek Prime Minister Papandreou has been under great pressure from the opposition, as his parliament passed the austerity measures, which have contradicted his campaign manifesto. However, the search for a lasting solution to help Greece regain its economic stability have continuously formed debate agenda in different political and economic platforms in European and global forums 1- Introduction The Eurozone is facing a serious severing debt crisis. Several member states of the European community have high, potentially unsustainable levels of... ...ded with the correct measures. The debt continued to pile to amounts that Greece could no longer afford to repay on its own. Several response strategies have been employed to help reestablish the Greece economic conditions to levels before the crises. However, these efforts have only achieved helping the Greece government to avoid the default. These response strategies include Fiscal Consolidation and Economic Reforms in Greece. Banks also aided Greece in getting out of the crises. The European Union Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund gave loans to Greece market investors. The Federal Reserve (Fed) also supported the response to the crisis through the establishment of temporary reciprocal currency arrangements referred to as swap lines with several central banks in the Eurozone in a bid to increase the liquidity of the dollar in the global economy. â€Æ'

Monday, November 11, 2019


Therefore, nanoparticles could be the key factor for the future technologies. Scientific as well as public associations are paying their attention for nanoparticles technology as a good investment source. Nanoparticles could be produced via physical, chemical or biological methods (Haider and Kang, 2015; Ebrahiminezhad et al., 2017). Both chemical and physical methods use reducing agents such as sodium borohydride, sodium citrate and alcohols (Rai and Duran, 2011). However, using of microorganisms in synthesis of nanoparticles represents another great achievement because of the economic and ease production (Shelar and Chavan, 2014; Patel et al., 2015). Research revealed that biological methods is an inexpensive and eco-friendly way for synthesis of nanoparticles. This method used biological agents including bacteria, fungi, yeast and plants (Mourato et al., 2011). Recently, emerging such microorganisms as eco-friendly nano-factories to manufacture inorganic nanoparticles was attractive (Lee et al., 2004; Lengke et al., 2007). Fungi were mentioned as excellent candidates for metal nanoparticle synthesis because they contain many of enzymes that induce the production (Sastry et al., 2003). It was assumed that the mechanism involved in nanoparticles production by fungi was due to cell wall sugars that could reduce the metal ions (Mukherjee et al., 2002) and because they have the high cell wall binding capacity, metal uptake and secrete more amounts of proteins lead to the higher productivity of nanoparticles (Vahabi et al., 2011). Fungi have some advantages over the other microorganisms regarding the synthesis of NPs, because fungal mycelia are able to resist pressure, high temperature and easy storage in the laboratory (Kiran et al., 2016). There are many of metals for biosynthesis (NPs) such as copper, zinc, iron, iron trichloride, lead carbonate, gold and silver (Siddiqi and Husen, 2016). In addition, silver NPs could be synthesized by fungi either intracellularly or extracellularly but the extracellular biosynthesis downstream process much easier and showed more activities against many pathogens (Ahmad et al., 2003).Among the active fungi that were reported to produce nanoparticles; Rhizopous oryzae produced nanoparticles intracellularly of gold (Das et al., 2012), Verticillium sp extracellularly peodcued gold and silver nanoparticles (Soni and Prakash, 2014) in the size range of 20–51 nm. However, F. oxysporum produced nanoparticles of silver of 5–15 nm and 8-14 nm in diameter extracellularly (Ahmad et al., 2003; Senapati et al., 2005). Many other fungi were approved for their productivity of nanoparticles of different metals either extracellularly or intracellularly including: Phoma sp. (Chen et al., 2003), the endophytic fungus Colletotrichum sp. (Shankar et al., 2003), Aspergillus fumigatus (Kuber and D'Souza, 2006) , Fusarium acuminatum (Ingle et al., 2008) , Trichoderma asperellum (Mukherjee et al., 2008), F. semitectum (Sawle et al., 2008), Phoma glomerate (Birla et al., 2009), F. solani (Ingle et al., 2009) , plant pathogenic fungi Aspergillus niger (Gade et al., 2008; Jaidev and Narasimha, 2010). Aspergillus flavus (Vigneshwaran et al., 2007; Jain et al., 2011) , Paecilomyces lilacinus (Devi and Joshi, 2012), endophytic fungus Pencillium sp. (Singh et al., 2013), Aspergillus foetidus (Roy and Das, 2014), Rhizopus stolonifer (AbdelRahim et al., 2017), Penicillium Oxalicum (Bhattacharjee et al., 2017) and Trichoderma atroviride (Saravanakumar and Wang, 2018). Many recent reports have shown that production of nanoparticles by fungi are could be affected by various condition of temperature, biomass weight, time and pH ( Balakumaran et al., 2016; Liang et al., 2017; Othman et al., 2017). Husseiny et al. (2015) reported that most important factors that were affecting the biosynthesis of AgNPs were the temperature, pH, time, the concentration of AgNO3 and amount biomass. Narayanan and Sakthivel (2010) approved that incubation at 27 0C for 72 h with 7 pH and 10 g of the fungal biomass and 1mM concentration of AgNPs were considered the optimum conditions for production of AgNPs from AgNO3 by fungi. Researches showed some variations in the characteristics of the biosynthesized AgNPs by different fungal species. These variations could be due to the source of fungal isolates or strains and types of medium (Devi and Joshi, 2012; Roy and Das, 2014). When Alam et al. (2017) compared the different types of media, they found Czapex dox broth was a good medium to produce enough mycelial biomass to synthesize AgNPs. This because this medium contains essential carbon and nitrogen source along with other vital macro and micronutrients such as magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron and zinc which are vital for fungal growth.Nowadays, application of AgNPs confirmed their effectiveness in treatment of cancer, bone implant, anti-inflammatory and their biocidal activity against many bacteria and pathogens (Husseiny et al., 2015; Majeed et al., 2016). The antibacterial properties of AgNPs are due to the oxidation and liberation of Ag+ ions into the environment that makes it an ideal biocidal agent (Sivakumar et al., 2015). It is expected that the large surface area to volume ratio as well as high fraction of the surface atoms of the nanoparticles increase their antimicrobial activity as compared with bulk silver metal (Joy and Johnson, 2015). Moreover, the small size of the nanoparticles facilitates their penetration inside the cell. Additionally, excellent antibacterial properties exhibited by AgNPs are due to their well-developed surface which provides maximum contact with the environment (Mitiku and Yilma, 2017). Recent research approved the antibacterial activity of the silver nanoparticles against many bacteria especially those having the capability to cause severe disease for the human such as Salmonella enterica, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococci and Pseudomonas sp (Devi and Joshi, 2012; Shelar and Chavan, 2014; Muhsin and Hachim, 2016; Madakka et al., 2018; Saravanakumar and Wang, 2018). However, shape, dimension, and the exterior charge as well as the concentration of the AgNPs are important factors that affect the antimicrobial activity the nanoparticles against the tested bacteria (Madakka et al., 2018). Devi and Joshi (2012) approved the antibacterial activity of AgNPs comparing with erythromycin, methicillin, chloramphenicol and ciprofloxacin agents Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Salmonella enterica and Enterococcus faecalis. They showed that the diameter of inhibition zones obtained by the silver-nanoparticles, with 5-50 nm in diameter, were more than those obtained by the antibiotics. Shelar and Chavan, (2014) showed that Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus sp were inhibited by silver nanoparticles with diameter of 17-32 nm in very close pattern to the standard antibiotic streptomycin. Muhsin and Hachim (2016) reported the best concentration of silver nanoparticles with diameter 8-90 nm that showed strong antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus streptomycin was 100 Â µl/ ml. Based on the above-mentioned information, we assume that fungi as bio-factories for the biogenic synthesis of the silver nanoparticles are very interesting during eco-friendly and safe technology, also for future application as antimicrobial agents.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Winter’s Bone

Essay Assignment 2 October 7th, 2012 Draft 2 (Final) Winter's Bone I would like to start off saying I really enjoyed this book so far. I really like the text, and description it shows. There is a lot of realistic experience in the book that helps me create my visual of the book. â€Å"They didn’t do nothin’! They didn’t do a goddamned thing! What the hell’re you tryin’ to pull? † Most books are cheesy written, and worded. This book was different, and really fit into my interest. I usually find it hard to get into a book, an reading a lot of the time makes me sleepy.I was able to adapt to this book quickly to gain a lot of questions an wondering what was going to happen next. The Ozarks is a interesting place that helps shape the lives of anyone who lives there. Ree finds herself, her family, all on the bad side of the law since illegal activities are done to support themselves in such a harsh environment. These illegal activities of her fathe r start Ree on a journey. She has to find her father with only the help of family to save her family’s house and land. Jessup, Ree’s father, is the most important cause of her journey.He comes home and leaves â€Å"promising he’d be back soon as he could with a paper sack of cash and a trunkload of delights. † Ree is left with the tasks of chopping wood and making sure there is food on the table for everyone, which is usually the man of the house’s job. He had told her to not even look for him until â€Å"you see my face. † (Chpt 1) Then, when the kids get home from school riding in Sheriff Baskins’ patrol car, the sheriff asks her if she has seen Jessup and informs her that he put the land and house up for the bail.If Jessup didn’t show up for court, they would be poor and homeless. Ree also has to be a mother to the kids, because her mom is pretty much useless. Something happened, whether it was drug or her lifestyle while Je ssup had been imprisoned before, and the medicine that she is on is not helping. Ree had to get Sonny and Harold ready for school even if the clothes were dirty and there was no butter to go with the grits. The kids show up home having hitched a ride from the deputy up to the Dolly’s house for which they were reprimanded by Ree to not ven associate with â€Å"the law. † Ree later makes sure to put them under her wing so that they could learn to hunt and cook if there was ever a need for them to take care of themselves. She starts showing them how to make deer stew and how to shoot and clean squirrels. The next day, when they got home. Teardrop came over. When he realizes he needed to help his brother’s family. He lets Ree know that the police found Jessup’s car burnt, but he wasn’t in it. He also gave them more money to help out.He then also gave her the advice of selling of the timber on their land before the bail bondsman came to throw them out o f the house, but Ree still thinks that it won’t happen. Teardrop starts talking about times before when things were good and family all got along. Ree goes to town to get some groceries and is getting to the point of believing her father is dead but trying to figure out why. â€Å"Either he stole or he told. Those are the things they kill you for. † Gail told her. Chpt 15) Bringing back to my thoughts, where I had a dead beat father who ran off, and never came back home. Which made my mom have to do everything for us alone. It's always weird how the books you read can sometimes relate back to you in ways you never thought they could. I then know I'm not the only one who had that experience. Which then as well helps me cope with my issues an understand better. I really like that about a book when I can relate to some of the things going on in the story.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Asthma Free Online Research Papers Asthma is a lung disease that affects approximately ten million people in the United States. (Cramer 2) In people with asthma, the airways of the lungs are hypersensitive to irritants such as cigarette smoke or allergens. When these irritants are inhaled, the airways react by constricting, or narrowing. Some people with asthma have only mild, intermittent symptoms that can be controlled without drugs. In others, the symptoms are chronic, severe, and sometime life threatening. Although researchers have learned more about the underlying causes of asthma in recent years, a definitive treatment is still unavailable. In the last decade, asthma deaths worldwide have rose 42%. (Cramer 2) The reasons for this increase are not clear; however, many experts believe that the lack of standard treatments and the inconsistent monitoring of asthma patients have contributed to the increased mortality rate. With this disease comes many questions such as what is asthma, what are the symptoms and causes, how is it diagnosis, what are the treatments, how is it prevented and maintained. In answering these typical questions people will be more informed of a disease that is killing people. Asthma is sometimes referred to as a disease of â€Å"twitchy lungs†, which means that the airways are extremely sensitive to irritants. The airways are the tubes that bring air from the windpipe, known as the trachea, to the lungs. These tubes are called the bronchi. Each bronchus, in turn, branches into smaller tubes called bronchioles. At the end of the bronchioles are small, balloon like structures called alveoli. The alveoli are tiny sacs that allow oxygen to diffuse from body tissues into the lungs to be exhaled. (Shier, Butler, Lewis 786-88) During an asthma attack, the bronchi and bronchioles constrict and obstruct the passage of air into the alveoli. Besides constricting, the airways may secrete copious amounts of mucus in an effort to clear the irritation from the lungs. The airway walls also swell, causing inflammation and further obstruction. As the airways become increasingly obstructed, oxygen cannot reach the small air sacs; blood levels of oxygen drop, and the body’s tissues and organs become oxygen deprived. At the same time carbon dioxide cannot escape the small air sacs for exhalation; blood levels of carbon dioxide increase, and exert a toxic effect on the tissues and organs of the body. Most of the time asthma is caused by, inhaling an allergen that sets off a chain of reactions. â€Å"Once asthma is present, symptoms can be set off or made worse if the patient also has rhinitis (inflammation of the lining of the nose) or sinusitis.† (Cramer 3) Acid reflux for some reason can also make asthma worse. A viral infection of the respiratory tract, aspirin, and a drug called beta-blockers (often used to treat high blood pressure) can also inflame an asthmatic reaction. (Cramer 3) In addition to cigarette smoke and various allergens, other triggers can cause asthma attacks. A cold, or other upper respiratory infections may bring on an asthma attack. Strong emotions, such as excitement, tension, or anxiety, may trigger asthma symptoms. Even exercise and extreme weather conditions, such as very cold, very hot, or very humid weather, can cause an asthma attack. Environmental exposures, such as pollution and ozone levels can also contribute to an asthma attack. (Britann ic 1) The characteristic sign of asthma is wheezing, the noisy, whistling breathing that a person makes as he or she tries to push air in and out of narrowed airways. Other symptoms of asthma include a tight chest, shortness of breath, and a cough. When diagnosing a patient for asthma, the examiner should look for maximum chest expansion while taking in air. (Cramer 5) Hunched shoulders and contracting neck muscles are other signs of narrowed airways. Nasal polyps or increased amounts of nasal secretions often noted in asthmatic patients. â€Å"Skin changes, like atopic dermatitis or eczema, are a tip off that the patient has allergic problems.† (Cramer 5) Inquiring about family history of asthma or allergies can be a valuable indicator of asthma. The diagnosis may be strongly suggested when typical symptoms and signs are present. A test called spirometry measures how rapidly air is exhaled and how much is retained in the lungs. Repeating the test after the patient inhales a drug that widens the air passages (a bronchodilator) will show whether the airway narrowing is reversible, which is a very typical finding in asthma. Often patients use a related instrument, called a peak flow meter, to keep track of asthma severity at home. Often, it is difficult to determine what is triggering asthma attacks. Allergy skin test may be used, although an allergic skin response does not always mean that the allergen being tested is causing the asthma. Also, the body’s immune system produces antibody to fight off that allergen, and the amount of antibody can be measured by a blood test. This will show how sensitive the patient is to a particular allergen. If the diagnosis is still in doubt, the patient can inhale a suspect allergen while using a spirometer to detect airway narrowing. Spirometry can also be repeated after a bout of exercise if exercise induced asthma is a possibility. A chest x-ray will help rule out other disorders. Currently, several drugs are used to treat asthma. Not all asthmatic drugs should be used by every asthma patient. Some patients with mild asthma only need to use medication intermittently to contr ol wheezing. Patients with more serious asthma need to take medication at regular intervals to avoid life-threatening attacks. It is important for asthma patients to see their doctors if the frequency or severity of their symptoms change. One form of medication is termed bronchodilators. Bronchodilators dilate constricted lung airways by relaxing the muscles, which line the bronchial tubes. Oral bronchodilators include theophylline; theophyllines counterpart, aminophylline, is used through a needle in the vein for severe episodes of asthma. During severe, acute attacks of asthma, injections of epinephrine are given just under the patients skin. Epinephrine has a quick, but short lasting effect of bronchodilation. Most asthma patients are given bronchodilators such as abuterol that are used in a mist form that is inhaled from either a special inhaler device or an aerosol machine. Some patients are instructed to use their bronchodilator at regular intervals, while others may just be told to use the inhaler if they notice the beginning of an asthma attack. The inhaled medications are quick acting because they a re directly applied to the constricted airways. Another type of treatment is called Anti-Inflammatory drugs. Anti- Inflammatory drugs reduce the swelling and inflammation of the airways. These drugs can be inhaled or taken in pill form. Two types of anti-inflammatory drugs that are prescribed for asthma patients: Chromolyn sodium and Corticosteroids. Chromolyn sodium is also prescribed for people with allergies, and it has few side effects. Oral corticosteriods are very effective in treating asthma, but should be reserved for severe cases, due to their serious side effects. (Cramer 5) Short-term side effects include increased appetite, weight gain, hypertension, and fluid retention. Over the long-term corticosteriods may cause osteoporosis, cataracts, and impaired immune response. These side effects usually preclude the use of corticosteriods for long periods of time. In fact, short courses of steroids are preferred. These â€Å"steroid bursts† are given over about a week’s time and then discontinued, as a treatment for a sudden sever asthma attack, perhaps brought on by exposure to an allergen or viral infection. Inhaled corticosteroids have few side effects. These medications are also prescribed for allergy patients. Unlike their oral counterparts, these drugs can be taken for much longer periods of time. They are especially useful in controlling moderate asthma. A new asthma medication called leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) are being used to interfere with the actions of a class of chemicals called leukotrienes. Leukotrienes help produce the symptoms of asthma. Interference with their actions decreases asthma symptomology. LTRAs are believed to greatly reduce asthma severity, when taken daily. (Britannica 2) To avoid attacks patients can take certain preventative steps. Asthma can be avoided by doing the following: 1. Avoid being outside during the early morning and late afternoon hours, when pollen levels are highest. 2. Since dust has been associated with asthma attacks, thoroughly and frequently clean the indoor environment. Dust and vacuum everyday. Wash bed linens in hot, soapy water every few days or so. Replace air filters in air conditioners and furnaces regularly. 3. During hot weather, use air conditioning. (Harrington 55) Eliminating the irritant is the key. If asthma is brought on by cigarette smoke, the patient must avoid this irritant. If asthma is brought on by exercise, the person should try to find a level of exertion that is comfortable. Using an inhaled bronchodilator before exercising may also control asthma symptoms. For all persons with asthma, communication with and regular visits to their physicians are essential components of treatment. Without periodic checkups, the physician cannot monitor progress or potential worsening of symptoms. So, the most important aspect of prevention and treatment for asthma patients is the regular physician visit. Asthma is something that many people live with from day to day. For example, my brother was diagnosed with asthma when my family moved from Alaska. He was a one-year-old baby that was in and out of hospitals all through out his childhood years. At first the doctors wanted to place him in a bubble because it was like he was allergic to everything. C ome to find out he had not built up an immune system to many different kinds of allergens because in Alaska the vegetation of the land is very different. Now this was a very traumatic time for my family because my brother soon became diagnosed with chronic asthma, which is a form of old people’s asthma. The doctors stated that he might not live because he was always so ill. Well it has been sixteen years and instead of the asthma progressing it seems to have regressed extremely. The only bad thing about all of this is that the medicines he was on have very serious side effects and we are not sure how the side effects will affect him. So, even the worse case scenarios can turn into good. The more people know about the disease the better they can handle it. This disease has come a long way since it first entered my family’s life. Doctors now know more about the causes, symptoms, and how to diagnosis the disease than they did in 1985. Research Papers on AsthmaThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsGenetic EngineeringPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeResearch Process Part One19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2The Spring and Autumn

Monday, November 4, 2019

Application of Statistics in Daily Life Report Essay Example for Free

Application of Statistics in Daily Life Report Essay Inheritance is the process of creating new classes from the existing class or classes. In  C++  and  C,  classes  can be defined as deriving from a  base class. A  derived class  inherits all of the ancestors protected and public  methods  and data  members. With inheritance if a method is made virtual in the base class then the derived class can override it with different behaviour. This makes possible  polymorphism. Types of classes: Definition:  In  C++  and  C#  OOP, a derived  class  is any class that  inherits  from any other derived class or  base class. Definition:  In  C++  and  C#  OOP, the base  class  is the highest class and does not  inherit  from any other class. Other classes can inherit from a base class. They are called  derived  classes. Forms of Inheritance: Single Inheritance: If a class is derived from a single base class, it is called as single inheritance. Multiple Inheritance: If a class is derived from more than one base class, it is known as multiple inheritance Multilevel Inheritance: The classes can also be derived from the classes that are already derived. This type of inheritance is called multilevel inheritance. Hierarchical Inheritance: If a number of classes are derived from a single base class, it is called as hierarchical inheritance Definition of class:When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type. This doesn’t actually define any data, but it does define what the class name means, that is, what an object of the class will consist of and what operations can be performed on such an object. Classes ;amp; Objects in Detail Class member functions: A member function of a class is a function that has its definition or its prototype within the class definition like any other variable. Class access modifiers: A class member can be defined as public, private or protected. By default members would be assumed as private Constructor ;amp; destructor: A class constructor is a special function in a class that is called when a new object of the class is created. A destructor is also a special function which is called when created object is deleted. | | | C++ copy constructor: The copy constructor is a constructor which creates an object by initializing it with an object of the same class, which has been created previously A  friend   function is permitted full access to private and protected members of a class. | C++ inline functions| With an inline function, the compiler tries to expand the code in the body of the function in place of a call to the function. | The this pointer in C++| Every object has a special pointer  this  which points to the object itself. | Pointer to C++ classes| A pointer to a class is done exactly the same way a pointer to a structure is. In fact a class is really just a structure with functions in it. | Static members of a class| Both data members and function members of a class can be declared as static. ENCAPSULATION Definition:  In  Object Oriented Programming,  encapsulation is an attribute of  object  design. It means that all of the object’s data is contained and hidden in the object and access to it restricted to members of that class. C Programming| C++ Programming| C follows the procedural programming paradigm| C++ is a multi-paradigm langua ge(procedural as well as object oriented)| In C language focus on procedure and steps. | C++ focuses on the data rather than the process| In C data hiding and data security is not possible. Data hiding and data security is present. | C uses Top-Down approch| C++ uses Bottom-Up approach| C is a function driven programming language| C++ is a object driven programming language| C does not support overloading concept| C++ supports overloading concepts like operator overloading and function overloading| C does not support namespaces concept| CPP supports Namespaces concept. | C not support exception handling| C++ supports Exception Handling| C is structured programming language| C++ is object oriented programming language. C does not support inheritance, reusability, polymorphism, data abstraction| CPP supports inheritance, reusability, polymorphism, data abstraction. | C language only support Early binding| CPP supports both Early and Late binding| C uses standard input, output functions like scanf and printf. | C++ uses input fu nction cin and output function is cout. | There are all data is available to end user. No data security| There is data abstraction. Not complete data is available to End user| Application of Statistics in Daily Life Report. (2018, Nov 01).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Education in America between suburban and urban schools Essay

Education in America between suburban and urban schools - Essay Example The process of accreditation was initiated in 1913, ending in 1952. Within the last century, the quantities of private high schools have grown at relatively stable rates, unlike public schools whose growth rates have fallen since the 1950’s and 1960’s. For example, between 1966 and 1976, the quantities of state educational institutions have grown at more than 180 percent, with private schools only growing about 10 percent at the same time. In the beginning of the present century, the average special educational institution made up roughly half the quantity of all educational institutions of the higher school. From the 1950’s through the 1970’s, the public sector of higher education increased due to a rise in the quantity of biennial colleges. For example, in 1970 the state biennial colleges made up more than 70 percent of all varieties of biennial colleges combined. However, by the end of 20th century their quantity had decreased to only 60 percent. The number of students attending the accredited high schools within the 2 0th century grew at higher rates than the quantity of other educational institutions. Further, at the beginning of the present century, accredited enrollment was made up of approximately 15 million people. However, at the beginning of the 1990’s, the tendency of excess of rates of growth of the number of students above that of the rates of growth of high schools had changed, and the quantity of high schools began to grow at higher rates than that of the number of students. During this period the lowest gain was eight percent, which occurred when the gain of the quantity of high schools for the same period experienced a 15 percent growth rate. In this situation, the average number of students of an educational institution, which constantly grew during all centuries, began to decrease. If in 1990 the average of students made 3.9 thousand persons, in 2000 the rate was